Deploying a parachute quickly and accurately can enhance the safety of your aerial operations. The experts at Applied Energy Technology Corporation (AETC) are proud to announce new Parachute Delay Cutter product lines for end users in the private, military and commercial aviation sectors. Browse the latest delay cutters from AETC for safety and performance.
Using Delay Cutters for Aerial Applications
AETC’s delay cutters are used for various releases, including extraction parachute jettison systems. Our new Parachute Delay Cutter product lines aim to control the amount of time it takes for primary and secondary parachutes to activate when attached to people, cargo or specialized equipment.
Military Uses of Parachute Delay Cutters
Military professionals depend on parachute delay cutters to drop cargo and supplies while an aircraft is still moving. AETC’s technology is useful for reaching a target with delayed cuts to deliver items securely without drops. Military groups can refrain from having personnel drop out of an aircraft solely to relocate cargo and equipment.
Advantages of Parachute Delay Cutter Cartridges
Explore the benefits of our Parachute Delay Cutters:
- Precision timing: Control the rate at which parachutes react in real-world scenarios.
- Versatility: Allow items to arrive at different targets based on the length of time between releases.
- Increased safety: There is less room for human error with delay cutters that react at predetermined times.
- Emergency response: Military groups and disaster response teams can issue supplies more efficiently.
Taking an Innovative Approach to Delay Cutters
AETC delay cutters are manufactured with circular blades that activate with exposure to an increase in pressure. They are used to separate parachute material from a deployment system while a person or item approaches ground level. This may be done for numerous reasons, such as a main parachute gets tangled and needs to be stripped away for backup deployment or an immediate threat presents itself, requiring experts to change a descent pattern.
Our parachute delay cutters can be adjusted to react in milliseconds once activation conditions are met, allowing for flexibility during military, commercial and private projects.
Incorporate AETC Delay Cutters Into Your Operations
The team at AETC looks forward to helping you find the right technology for safe parachuting.
Explore our products available for various industries, and contact us today for more information on how our products can benefit you.